What are the top four technology trends in 2024 everyone must be ready for?

Insights from Richard Hartill

9th January 2024BlogRichard Hartill

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Top Technology Trends in 2024: Embracing Innovation and Resilience

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, it is crucial to anticipate the trends that will shape our future. 2024 promises to be an exciting time for innovation, with breakthroughs that will continue to reshape our lives and society. We asked Richard Hartill, Client Manager at Northdoor, for his thoughts on the top technology trends in 2024 that everyone must be ready for. This article will cover his response.

RIchard Hartill Technology trends

From cyber resilience to generative AI, sustainable technology, and quantum computing, these trends hold the potential to revolutionise our world. Click To Tweet

1. Cyber Resilience: bolstering defences in an evolving threat landscape

Cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated, posing a significant threat to businesses and individuals. Research suggests that one in two businesses has fallen victim to a successful cyberattack in the past three years, with the cost expected to exceed $10 trillion by the end of 2024. In response, organisations should prioritise cyber resilience to fortify their defences and ensure continuity.

Cyber resilience encompasses more than just cyber security. It involves implementing measures that enable recovery and ensure uninterrupted operations. To achieve this, automation plays a pivotal role, with AI and machine learning augmenting cyber defence capabilities. These technologies enable organisations to proactively identify and respond to threats swiftly, minimising the potential impact of cyberattacks. Additionally, integrated security solutions that merge security measures with continuity protocols are crucial to a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy.

The race to develop and deploy innovative solutions leveraging breakthrough technologies like AI intensifies as cyber threats evolve. This ensures that cyber resilience will be at the forefront of technological advancements in 2024, permeating both business and consumer technology sectors.

2. Generative AI – unlocking everyday automation

Generative AI emerged as a game-changing trend in 2023, and in 2024, we will witness its true power and potential. Although “artificial intelligence” may evoke fear and uncertainty, generative AI is here to revolutionise our everyday lives. Ranging from search engines to office software, design packages, and communication tools, generative AI will become an integral part of our daily applications.

By delegating mundane tasks to AI, we will free up valuable time to focus on our unique human abilities. Generative AI acts as a super-smart personal assistant, enhancing our efficiency, productivity, and creativity. It will handle information retrieval, scheduling, compliance management, idea organisation, and project structuring, allowing us to explore new ideas, engage in original thinking, and foster meaningful human connections. 2024 will be the year when generative AI transforms our lives.

3. Sustainable Technology: A path to a greener future

As the urgency to address climate change intensifies, sustainable technology takes centre stage in 2024. Countries and corporations are working towards meeting net-zero commitments, while individuals are leveraging technology to minimise their personal environmental impact. Sustainable technology encompasses eco-friendly alternatives to existing practices and novel solutions to environmental challenges.

In the transportation sector, the adoption of electric cars, bikes, and public transport will continue to grow, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, advancements in carbon capture and storage technologies and the widespread adoption of green and renewable energy sources will contribute to a more sustainable future. The concept of the circular economy, where products are designed with durability, recyclability, and reusability in mind, will gain prominence. Furthermore, the tech world will embrace green cloud computing, prioritising energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and sustainable apps promoting eco-friendly living.

However, the development and use of sustainable technology pose challenges that must be addressed. Ethical and sustainable methods for sourcing and extracting materials needed for manufacturing devices are essential to avoid environmental harm. Infrastructure demands arising from changing consumer habits, such as the adoption of electric vehicles, need to be carefully managed. Access to green alternatives should be equitable across different geographic and socio-economic groups, and greenwashing practices must be discouraged. Furthermore, as 2024 unfolds, these challenges will be at the forefront of sustainable technology development and implementation.

4. Quantum Computing: unlocking a new era of possibilities

Quantum computing has been the subject of much excitement , and in 2024, it will begin to transition from buzz to tangible benefits. Quantum computers leverage the principles of quantum physics, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, to perform multiple calculations simultaneously. Unlike traditional computers that operate using bits of 1s and 0s, quantum computers utilise quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

Early adopters of quantum technology include banks and financial services organisations seeking to enhance AI systems for fraud detection, risk management, and high-frequency trading. Quantum computing holds potential in drug discovery, genome sequencing, cryptography, meteorology, material science, traffic optimization, and the search for extraterrestrial life.

The potential of quantum computing is vast, but it also poses challenges. Industry fears: rogue states exploiting quantum tech for cybercrime, compromising encryption. Replacement of encryption tech may be needed by 2026. The promise of quantum computing in addressing global challenges makes 2024 a pivotal year in its advancement.

Interested in staying ahead in 2024’s tech landscape?

Whether it’s strengthening your cyber security, integrating generative AI, adopting sustainable tech, or exploring the potential of quantum computing, we’re here to assist. Contact me to find out how we can support you.

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