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GDPR's 4th anniversary - Where are we now four years on?

For GDPR’s 4th anniversary, Northdoor considers the General Data Protection Regulation’s impact and whether it has been successful over the past four years.

IAB Europe expecting to be found in violation of GDPR

The Belgian Data Protection Authority is reportedly close to finalising a draft ruling on its investigation into IAB Europe’s Transparency & Consent Framework.

The sharp rise in GDPR fines means businesses should take note and act now

After an increase in fines, Northdoor highlights why using a robust GDPR solution is vital, and how GDPR industrialisation can help guide compliance.

What is Privileged Access Management and why is it important?

Discover the importance of Privileged Access Management (PAM) and its role in controlling important company information.

Remote working and GDPR compliance

Discover how to remain GDPR compliant whilst working remotely and how to respond to a GDPR request when data is distributed

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