Data Protection

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10 practical steps to help organisations adopt AI

Discover 10 steps to adopt AI while safeguarding sensitive data. Learn safe implementation strategies, regulatory insight, and expert guidance

Northdoor upholds strong Data Protection with renewed Cyber Essentials Certification

Northdoor has received the Cyber Essentials certification again this year, demonstrating our commitment to cybersecurity standards.

How to execute an effective, proactive cyber security strategy

The rise of cyber attacks calls for a proactive approach to security. Learn the pitfalls of reactive defences, the benefits of a proactive strategy, and how to execute it effectively.

What are the consequences of data breaches on share prices?

A study shows the far-reaching consequences of data breaches on companies, including a significant drop in share prices. Learn what businesses need to know to protect themselves and their investors.

Do you know where all your sensitive data is held and how to secure it?

To remain compliant with regulations, organisations need to better manage and secure sensitive data to improve data security across all data stores.

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