Data Protection

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Dissecting Data: A Closer Look At Data Breaches

A consistent cyber strategy means businesses need to ensure that each person and process within the organisation is alert and prepared for data breaches

Data Protection and GDPR Compliance

Northdoor outlines COVID-19 data protection challenges for remote working: Business Continuity, GDPR Compliance, cyber security services plus an offer.

How data discovery platforms are vital to protect your high-value data

Searching for sensitive unstructured data across the entire digital estate is a significant requirement to meet both contractual and compliance obligations

5 Tips For Effective Data Discovery and Classification

Five tips and best practices to help companies strategically plan and implement a flexible approach to data discovery and classification.

Recent cyber-attack shows the potential vulnerability of local authorities

AJ Thompson’s thoughts on how the public sector can fight back against cyber attacks using a robust, resilient approach to data protection.


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