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SQL Server vs. Oracle – The Gloves are Off!

Are you running a Linux based business? Find out how and when you can expect SQL to be available for your OS and why is now a good time to make a switch.

5 Super Security Features in Azure SQL Database for Insurers

Because of the features SQL offers, there’s been a rise in the number of customers using it. So let’s go through some of the high points of Azure SQL database

How damaging is downtime?

When was the last time you rethought your data protection choices? Insufficient DR plans can affect both your budget and your business in the matter of minutes

Using Data to Improve Customer Experience

The key to success in online retail lies in awesome customer service. To see how big data can help you improve in that field take a look at our infographic

Retailers, let's get back to one:one service

Helping retailers get personalised customer information combining thousands of attributes & hundreds of data that delivers benefits across the business.


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