The Challenge
Safeguarding systems security is a constant challenge for all organisations. Get it wrong, or fall behind and security might be breached. Private data could be stolen or systems processes compromised. When HSH Nordbank commissioned an annual external audit of its financial accounts and procedures at its London branch, an opportunity was identified to tighten security controls around access to its core banking system.
The Northdoor Solution
The bank approached Northdoor for help to specify the technology requirement and facilitate change. HSH Nordbank selected the following modules within the security suite Northdoor offered: application file security, firewall security and reporting and auditing services.
- Specialist guidance in creating a compliant security management solution
- Rapid deployment of a customised solution
- Consultants with significant domain expertise
- A straightforward, non‑disruptive approach
- On-time, on-budget delivery
- Comprehensive solution minimises disruption and risk