Northdoor upholds strong Data Protection with renewed Cyber Essentials Certification

25th July 2023AwardsRob Batters

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Securing your data with Cyber Essentials Certification (CE)

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Northdoor is delighted to announce that we have once again been awarded the prestigious Cyber Essentials certification. This government-backed accreditation serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to upholding high cyber security standards and safeguarding our valuable systems and data.

The Cyber Essentials certification is a crucial tool in fortifying any business or organisation against internet-borne threats. By obtaining this certification, Northdoor continues to actively lower the risk of cyber-attacks and assures our customers that we have implemented robust security controls to mitigate the potential risk of any breaches on our systems and data. By renewing this certification, we demonstrate our ongoing dedication to upholding rigorous security standards year after year.

Our commitment to industry best practices is paramount in protecting both our valued customers and ourselves from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. To achieve the CE certification, our systems underwent a thorough external assessment covering all five key elements of the program, demonstrating our comprehensive understanding and implementation of the necessary infrastructure to safeguard our company.

Rob Batters, Director of Managed & Technical Services, expressed his pride in Northdoor’s achievement, stating,

“We are proud to have once again attained this certification, assuring both our company and customers that we take cyber security seriously. Our policies, procedures, and security measures adhere to government-endorsed standards, providing assurance that Northdoor is well-protected against common cyber-attacks. A special thanks to our diligent team, whose invaluable contributions have made our continual security improvement program possible.”

At Northdoor, we remain committed to maintaining the highest levels of cyber security to ensure the safety and confidentiality of our clients’ information. With the Cyber Essentials certification, we reinforce our position as a trusted partner, dedicated to providing secure and reliable solutions for your business needs.

To view the 2023/24 certificate, click here.

Protecting our customers and us from current cyber threats is vital. With our renewed Cyber Essentials certification, we demonstrate our commitment to data security and adhere to government-endorsed standards. Click To Tweet

Background information

The Cyber Essentials certification program was developed as part of the UK government’s efforts to enhance cybersecurity practices across both public and private sectors. Its roots can be traced back to the UK’s National Cyber Security Strategy, which was introduced in 2011 as a comprehensive plan to bolster the country’s cybersecurity capabilities.

The strategy aimed to address the increasing threat of cyber-attacks on individuals, businesses, and government entities. As technology became more prevalent in daily life and critical infrastructures, the need to protect against cyber threats became a national priority. The government recognised that the security of the nation’s digital infrastructure and data was of paramount importance for economic growth, national security, and the protection of citizens’ privacy.

To achieve these objectives, the UK government recognised the importance of raising cybersecurity awareness and promoting best practices among organisations of all sizes. Many cyber-attacks exploit basic vulnerabilities that can often be easily addressed with the right cybersecurity measures in place. Hence, the government developed the Cyber Essentials certification scheme to encourage businesses and organisations to adopt fundamental security controls to protect themselves from prevalent cyber threats.

The Cyber Essentials certification program was officially launched in 2014 and is administered by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). It is designed to be accessible and affordable for organisations of all sizes, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises.

The certification process involves a self-assessment questionnaire and an external vulnerability scan. By achieving Cyber Essentials certification, organisations demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity best practices and their ability to protect against common cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, and hacking attempts.

Since its inception, the Cyber Essentials scheme has gained significant traction, with numerous organisations seeking certification to strengthen their cybersecurity posture and build trust with their customers, partners, and stakeholders. The program continues to evolve and adapt to address emerging cyber threats, playing a crucial role in making the UK one of the most secure places to do business in cyberspace, as envisioned by the government’s National Cyber Security Strategy.

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