Gain complete visibility of cyber security across your hybrid-cloud landscape

23rd September 2021BlogDominic Green

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Protect your organisation

The threat of cybercrime is constantly increasing. An attack happens every 39 seconds on average, and the potential costs are staggering: the NotPetya incident is estimated to have caused £7 billion of damage worldwide. And as organisations adopt hybrid infrastructures split between on-prem data centres and the cloud, it’s becoming harder to monitor and manage this growing risk.

Northdoor can help you design, deploy, and manage a sophisticated solution that detects and monitors cybersecurity threats in real-time and responds to them in a coordinated and orchestrated manner. Share on X

Northdoor can help you design, deploy, and manage a sophisticated solution that detects and monitors cybersecurity threats in real-time and responds to them in a coordinated and orchestrated manner. With a Microsoft Azure Sentinel solution designed and delivered by Northdoor, you can:

  • gain a bird’s-eye view of cybersecurity across your entire hybrid infrastructure
  • reduce the time and human effort involved in cybersecurity monitoring and response
  • detect and respond to emerging threats faster and more effectively
  • use AI to hunt for suspect activity at scale, for proactive protection
  • orchestrate and automate everyday cybersecurity tasks.

Northdoor’s expert Security practice helps organisations of all sizes protect their critical data assets against cybersecurity threats such as ransomware. Sign up today for a no-obligation assessment of your current cybersecurity posture and to see how Azure Sentinel can boost your capabilities.

Specialists in security

At Northdoor, our Security practice helps clients embed awareness and capabilities throughout the organisation and infrastructure from the ground up, rather than tacking security on as an after-thought. We have expertise in multiple types of solutions across different domains, and we work with the leading vendors of cybersecurity technology.

Advanced technology – such as Microsoft Azure Sentinel – is just one piece of the security jigsaw. Northdoor works with organisations to:

  • understand their specific needs and the most relevant threats
  • define the required organisational practices
  • deploy the appropriate solutions and configure them to the organisation’s needs
  • continuously review and enhance cybersecurity operations and technology.

For many clients operating a hybrid-cloud environment, Microsoft Azure Sentinel offers a compelling set of tools to maximise visibility and minimise effort. Northdoor has a strong partner relationship with Microsoft and long experience setting up and running hybrid environments, enabling us to create optimised cybersecurity solutions.

Azure Sentinel fighting ransomware threat

Sentinel: a closer look

Microsoft Azure Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information event management (SIEM) solution that also offers the critical elements of a security orchestration automated response (SOAR) platform. Providing cybersecurity analytics and threat intelligence, Azure Sentinel wraps up alert detection, threat visibility, and threat response in a single, easy-to-use package.

With Azure Sentinel, you can collect data from all applications, devices, and users – wherever they are – and analyse that data at high speed to find suspicious activity. The solution uses machine learning and AI to hunt for potential risks and breaches proactively. It also provides tools for orchestrating and automating remediation tasks.

Although Azure Sentinel provides applicable built-in machine learning rules and security-response playbooks, it’s designed to be fully configurable to your specific needs. Northdoor can help you define the optimal approaches for your company, build the appropriate business rules and automation playbooks, and refine them over time.

To find out how Northdoor can help you protect your hybrid-cloud infrastructure against cybercriminals, contact us today for a free assessment of your existing cybersecurity landscape.

Microsoft Gold Business Partner

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