Blog & Insights Articles from Northdoor

Thoughts, Opinions & Ideas From The World Of Data Security, Protection and Technology

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Diagnosing the big-data opportunity for the public sector

Northdoor SQL Server Advisory Service helps organisation modernise its data estate and unlock the benefits of big data.

How can you trust suppliers and partners to keep personal data safe?

Get a Comprehensive, 360-degree view of cyber risk across entire ecosystems of connected businesses from Northdoor

Take the strain out of Data Masking

Automated data pseudonymisation or masking technologies can save significant time and effort for IT personnel, in addition to helping the entire organisation remain compliant with GDPR.

What personal data is hiding on your corporate network?

Northdoor shows how one client discovered vast amounts of personal data hiding in forgotten files and folders on its intranet.

Mask data on demand to protect privacy across the enterprise

Data Masking protects confidential information and provides extensive capabilities to effectively mask sensitive data across non-production environments.


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