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Free SQL Server Security Tools

SSMS has tools to run a series of checks at server and database level to review potential security risks & assess what confidential data could be breached.

SQL Server 2019 Features by Edition

SQL Server 2019 is now available, and Microsoft have announced that they have made what used to be an enterprise-only feature available in Standard edition. It might help with GDPR compliance too,…[ ]

How Best To Secure Your SQL Server

The best way to ensure that a system is secure is to design it from the ground up with security in mind, so consider everyone interacting with a system.

SQL Server Performance Tips

SQL Server performance tips starts around the design. This blog covers some tips that will ensure your database performs to the best of its ability

Still running SQL Server 2008 R2 or later? You are missing out!

SQL Server latest version is a fully supported platform. Upgrade to take advantage of the latest innovation & improvements

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